It took some time, but Bellingham, WA's Envision has finally followed up their promising 2009 demo with this self-released, self-titled EP. Offered up are seven songs in about 20 minutes that continue to explore that 90's style of metallic hardcore via chugging midpaced rhythms, discordant metal riffs, harmonics, etc. They're definitely working with a wider range of dynamics this time out, though. In addition to the harsh screams there are a number of passages where slightly more toned down vocal performances take shape, and musically there's a good deal more melody present – not to mention a number of flowing clean passages (largely present during the three instrumental tracks that appear throughout). At times the softer side of the material can start to flirt with atmospheres typically characterized as "post-" something-or-other, which actually brings a more contemporary edge to the material, but when fused with that core foundation of plodding heaviness, the balance works out quite nicely. Recommended for fans of THREADBARE, DAMNATION A.D. and HARVEST.
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